Thank You So Much!

Thank You; Kadrin Che La! Source: Google Images Okay, we are finally down to the near end of the year 2010. Everybody seems excited waiting for the ‘count down’. Within matter of minutes, and seconds, the New Year 2011 will unfurl right in front of our eyes. It is kind of weird to see other part (other half?) of the World already in 201l while rest half still in 2010, and eagerly waiting for 2011 to officially set its foot. Traditionally, people make various resolutions for the year; which they would strive to fulfill in the year before they either end up disappointing themselves for failing to live up and yet make another resolutions for the following year. Wishing for good health, to receiving a promotion or raise, to promising to quit smoking, to finding a lasting relationship, to cutting down the weight, so and so forth, the resolutions are varied. Some truly work for it, and live up to their promises. But mostly, they are forgotten midway through the year. It shouldn’t come ...