Saturday, February 26, 2011

Annual International Festival

A Belly Dance!
Today happens to be the annual international festival day, held on the campus of Florida Institute of Technology. Although the festival didn't kick start until noon, by default of being a member of International Student and Scholars Organization (ISSO) I had to be there since 8:45 AM to help put up the flags of the various countries.

The festival featured numerous songs and dances performed to  hundreds of people gathered at the college Pantherium surrounded by about a dozen booths representing various countries, organizations, and fraternities. The weather was so pleasant and the sight of fifty or so different flags flattering to the gentle force of the afternoon Melbourne breeze was nothing short of a spectacular. The audience which comprised of students, faculty and their family members, and people of the locality were treated to various songs, and dances notable of which was Indian dance performed by two young girls. As always the dance drew a huge crowd and if the applause they received is anything to go by, it really was something special which everybody was dying to see. Good job ISA (Indian Student Association)!!
People enjoying the show!

Despite my tight schedule (with a couple of mid term exams up for coming week, and few more assignments in line!), I spent whole day walking around and taking pictures with my recently procured Cannon camera. It was a good experience. Only complain I have about it is that once you have your own camera, its hard to take your own picture. You end up taking pictures of other, and at the end of the day you have just few pictures of your own. Well, anyway, I think I didn't waste my time that terribly-at least I got to meet some new people, and learn new culture. After all, every day and moment is now becoming to be my last and final ones, since this is my final semester. I barely have three months before I am headed back to my homeland-Bhutan in May or June.

For now, I gotta get back to business-studies!

Cheers International Festival!!!!

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