The Sun Set in My World!

I am still taken aback by that fateful event. 

That cruel fate had me "broken" into million pieces from which I have yet to come out "alive" in full glory. No word of condolences and desperate "cheer up" attempts of friends made any sense to me. A very heavy ‘invisible’ force stuck me so hard that knocked me down unconscious. Sympathizers and friends alike freaked out by the terrible sight of me. I was a sick man with all dreams shattered. I could hear and see yet nothing really existed. I would walk miles with no clear destination. I would wake up from a nightmare, totally soaked in sweat. 

Living in that amusing hallucinatory castle was a beautiful feeling only to be short-lived. I would think millions different things yet only one thing would eventually come to focus, repeatedly. It was irresistible and I gave up after playing that losing battle. My airbed turned unbearably cold and otherwise charming life turned into a source of miseries. I looked ahead, beyond, far and wide but to no avail of what I looked for. My vision blurred and I couldn't trace the path. Fervent follower of the religion that I was, I prayed every single moment and sought the blessings. Every morning I woke up to a chilly weather, waited till the sun rise and requested it to be my witness. Every evening I took a walk till the beach to further assure its support and see it off.

Oh, always an emotional thing to see the sun set. I murmured facing the western crimson with hands firmly clasped "Why can't She just come back like you do every morning?" I broke down as I saw it set deeper into the horizon leaving my 'world' in a complete darkness. 

The gentle ocean breeze escorted me back to my room. 


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